Chia-Hsiang Kao (高家祥)

| CV | Github | Google Scholar |

Hello, I'm a first-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Cornell, and I also hold a medical license in Taiwan.

I join Bharath Hariharan research group, focusing on weakly supervised computer vision and biologically-plausible algorithms. Previously, I've had the privilege of collaborating with Prof. Volodymyr Kuleshov at Cornell Tech, Dr. Pin-Yu Chen at MIT-IBM Research, Prof. Wei-Chen Chiu and Prof. Li-Fen Chen at NYCU, and Prof. Yu-Chiang Frank Wang at NTU.

My primary research interest lies in building robust, trustworthy, and interpretable system by understanding implicit inductive biases of machine learning models and algorithms.



Ph.D. Student
Aug. 23 - now


Watson AI Lab

Research Student
Jul. 22 - Aug. 22


National Yang Ming
Chiao Tung University

Doctor of Medicine
Aug. 15 - Jun. 22

  • [2024/04] One paper on Mamba for DNA accepted at ICML'24.
  • [2023/11] One paper on biology LLM accepted at AAAI'24 workshop.
  • [2023/08] Begin PhD journey at Cornell.
  • [2023/05] One paper on Federated Learning submitted to arXiv.
  • [2022/06] Pass the Taiwan Medical Licensing Examination.
  • [2021/10] One paper accepted at ICLR'22 as poster.
  • [2021/10] One paper accepted at NeurIPS'21 workshop as oral paper.
  • [2021/06] One paper accepted at MICCAI'21 as oral paper.
Selected Publications

Caduceus: Bi-directional equivariant long-range dna sequence modeling
Yair Schiff, Chia-Hsiang Kao, Aaron Gokaslan, Tri Dao, Albert Gu, Volodymyr Kuleshov
| abstract | arxiv | github |
Accepted by ICML'24 as poster.

FedBug: A Bottom-Up Gradual Unfreezing Framework for Federated Learning
Chia-Hsiang Kao, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang
| abstract | arxiv | github |
Submitted to arXiv.


MAML Is a Noisy Contrastive Learner in Classification
Chia-Hsiang Kao, Wei-Chen Chiu, Pin-Yu Chen
| abstract | arxiv | poster | github | paper explained |
Accepted by ICLR'22 as poster.
Accepted by NeurIPS'21 workshop as oral presentation.


Demystifying T1-MRI to FDG18-PET Image Translation via Representational Similarity
Chia-Hsiang Kao, Yong-Sheng Chen, Li-Fen Chen, Wei-Chen Chiu
| abstract | paper|
Accepted by MICCAI'21 as oral representation.
Earned the Student Travel Award in MICCAI'21.

  Awards and Scholarships
  • [2021/06] Student Travel Award, MICCAI'21. (To reward the best, e.g. highest scoring, first author students)
  • [2020/08] Undergraduate Research Fellowship, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.
  • [2018/08] Undergraduate Research Fellowship, National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan.
  • [2018/06] Summer Research Fellowship, National Health Research Institutes and the Foundation of Health Sciences, Taiwan.
  • [2022/08] Reviewer, Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
  • [2022/04] Reviewer, AutoML'22 Conference.
  • [2021/09] Junior Reviewer, Workshop on Meta-Learning, NeurIPS'21.
  • [2022/03] EN Paper Explained — MAML Is a Noisy Contrastive Learner in Classification
  • [2021/10] EN When a Man in the White Coat Codes. (II)
  • [2021/09] EN On Two Perspectives of Contrastive Divergence Algorithm.
  • [2021/08] CH Self-Stablization and Life.
  • [2021/02] CH When a Man in the White Coat Codes.
  • [2020/06] CH Complex System.
  • [2020/06] CH GPT2, Counting Consciousness and the Curious Hacker (挑戰信任:GPT2和好奇的駭客).
  • [2017/06] CH 反思醫學人文實踐(課程).
  • [2017/05] CH Could a Neuroscientist Understand a Microprocessor?

    I love swimming and got my lifeguard certification at 18.
    I also enjoy surfing and jogging (one half-marathon, two 10Ks, and five 8.9Ks so far).

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Last update: Jul. 2023